Tag: iraq

  • The Syrian Patsy to teach another country a lesson – how machiavellian – an immune bush or two

    It’s cold today in Glasgow and raining let’s hope the weather improves and we get warmer weather at least until mid-October so my bottle pumpkins can grow before the cold and frost start biting.  End of next month will plant my garlic, leeks. onions and spring onions and maybe broad beans.  The broad beans i […]

  • drip away your germs, princess royal seal, more damn lies

    not only that but the princess royal hospital here in glasgow has lost it’s unicef seal of approval for promoting breast feeding. Have unicef gone mad this you expect from companies like nestle who encourage women in third world countries to buy baby milk rather than breastfeed, even if they cannot afford it, with enticing prizes. Shame on you Nestle.

  • coffins, facial expressions, ex-democratic dictator

    snow is gone just remnants of dirty ice scatterd about where it had been shoveled to the side left.  What a sad end to a lovely white cold stuff – pity it cant be washed with fairy liquid or persil or something else and come out clean and cold and white and layable as if […]

  • the ‘noughties’ eulogy

    one more day and we leave behind a very turbulent decade of illegal wars, ‘your with us or against us’, earthquakes, tsunamis, landings on mars, yes there is water on the moon, iran, and instability in middle east and asia. I pray that the next one is peaceful and enlightened. A quick look back at a few remembered highlights in no particular order of month but year is about right: