who do they work for? high speed rail link

as usual we are being left behind for the high speed rail link – being so far away from the south of england and for going to paris or brussels you would think that this would be one of the places for priority high speed rail links.  Means commuting to London and back in a day without the hassle of flying or staying overnight.  Not only that but think of all the greenhouse gas emissions it would save over the years – let’s hope the price is not expensive otherwise it will not be used that much.  Time to have this here in Scotland but so far down south are only extending it to Birmingham then maybe the penines where it will link into snail rail to get to glasgow and edinburgh what about highlands?  So where does Scotland fit into the scheme of things – i dont see anything?  Are we not British and just as important?

Well here is an interesting snippet – apparently if you do the maths and look back at Al Jazeera  broadcasts/interviews, the Qatari channel may not be all it seems after all.  A very large proportion of the people they interview who are either wanted by other Arab nations or Israel or USA etc etc etc are assassinated between 35 minutes to 24 hours of being interviewed by Al Jazeera – not even aired just interviewed and recorded.  so what does that say?  Who are they really working for or are they just a worldwide spy agency?  Very very disquieting – i had a lot of respect for them but this leaves a very bad taste.

Israel once again has bombed gaza today injuring many in three cities.  Earlier in the week Egypt shot and killed two gazan fishermen.  Statistics came out today that over 1,000 palestinians have been killed by israel in 2009 and how many israelis killed by palestinians so small that it would not a handful of fingers if at all.  Two sick nations who need regime changes.





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