foolish or not? lying bankers again on chip and pins, sir walter scott grant, racists

well was nicola sturgeon foolish when she helped that man who turned out to be a conman?  personally i dont care cos i like snp and nicola sturgeon and why cos she was doing her duty as a councillor helping her constitutents and to me that is more important and real and honest than all those others who once elected only do it for their own political gain rather than helping those who voted for them or who are in their constituency.  Many of them do not help cos it will not enhance their careers or make them famous or whatever so foolish or not my vote is still with snp and nicola.  all those mps and councilors complaining against her should look at their own backyard especially those who should be ashamed of their expenses and hiding it.

well surprise surprise those shyster lying bankers are at it again.  the chip and pin which came in was suppose to protect us but guess what it doesnt.  if you have money missing and the banks say it is not possible unless you have given your pin number then get yourself a good lawyer cos it has been proved that it is possible to use your card and take money out without using a pin number thereby passing the security and the banks refuse to accept it as well as the uk card associations – the big fat liars.  Which?  in a recent survey 14 per cent of people – one in seven – said they have had money taken from their bank account and 13 per cent from a credit card.

February 20 the racist bnp  and scottish defence league will be back this time marching in edinburgh.  shocking that these thugs should be allowed back to spread their hatred and why are they not showing their faces – they will be  hiding them behind balaclavas.  bnp also voted today that they will accept non-whites as members to avoid being taken to court.

18 february – is the last date to apply for funding if you are planning to do an event or exhibition about sir walter scott.  the Loch Lomond and Trossachs Park are offering 100% grants up to £2000 for all events on sir walter scott.


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